YES you need a GP or specialist referral to allow access to Medicare benefits
and the Medicare Safety Net.
For Work Cover patients a GP referral is preferred. An approved and active claim
number must be provided before an appointment will be made.
Hand care, wrist care, elbow care, shoulder care, microsurgery and sporting injuries. View all of our services here.
PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma is a good alternative to surgery in selected orthopaedic conditions. Problems such as rotator cuff tendinosis or partial thickness rotator cuff tears, tennis elbow or common extensor tendinosis or tears are are examples of conditions amenable to PRP injection. Osteoarthritis of all joints is amenable to PRP therapy and there is good literature to support this. All injections are performed under ultrasound guidance to improve the accuracy of the injection.
After filling out some initial paperwork you will be seen by Dr Maguire who will personally greet you and take you through for your consultation. After your consultation you may be offered non-operative treatment, such as an ultrasound guided intervention (for instance a cortisone injection) or you may be offered surgery on a later date. Some other non-operative interventions such as PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Therapy are likely to be rescheduled for another time.
The Carpal Tunnel Clinic Gold Coast is an outpatient-based facility, which enables patients to access the Medicare rebate system for outpatient procedures. Private health insurance is not required to access the outpatient Medicare rebate system.
The costs involved include an initial consultation that incurs a fee of $300 with a rebate of approximately $73.85. When you are initially seen at The Carpal Tunnel Clinic Gold Coast, Dr Maguire will assess you and decide whether you require non-operative or operative treatment.
Non-operative treatment may be offered on the day. If operative treatment is required then this will be scheduled for a suitable time, usually within 2 weeks. If you have been financially consented at least 1 week prior to your initial consultation, we may be able to get you in for surgery within a matter of days. Pre-payment of the total surgery cost is required at least 1 week prior surgery.
If you require a follow up consultation these appointments are billed at $150 with a rebate of approximately $36.55. However, if you have reached the Medicare Safety Net prior to your consultation/s you should receive a rebate of up to 80% back from Medicare for these consultation fees.